Three Investing Options to Grow Your Small Business

When you first launch your business, your main goal should be to establish yourself in your industry. However, this can be an expensive process. In the beginning, the majority of your profits are likely to end up being invested back into your business. You’ll find that growth is a slow process that requires a lot of patience. 

While there is no silver bullet to growing your business, diversifying your investments and gaining other sources of income can make growth happen faster. By acquiring additional capital to grow your company, you will both expedite growth and create a safety net for your business. 

Finding the best investment for you and making the right investment is a complex process. Still, once these investments are made, you will be able to inject significantly more capital into your business, allowing you to compete more effectively with competition and grow your business faster. This guide will provide you with different investment opportunities that could be right for your business. 

Invest in Your Employees

This may not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of investments. People are the backbone of your company, your most valuable asset. It is people, not just managers, who dictate the success of your business. Ensuring that your employees are adequately trained and educated can make them both more valuable and more committed to your company. 

The turnover rate for many companies is quite high currently, but more importantly, voluntary turnover is expensive. Turnover costs don’t stop at replacing the employee. Turnover can impact customer relationships and sales. The cost of voluntary turnover falls on your company, making it essential to mitigate the expense as much as possible. 

One of the most effective ways to prevent voluntary turnover is investing in your employees. You can do this in a couple of different ways. The first is investing in an HR department. Business owners often underestimate the importance of human resources, but the truth is that they can prevent turnover. Employees having a clear place to vent concerns and settle internal issues is an effective way to avoid turnover. Without an HR department in place, many employee disputes would never be acknowledged, leading to employee dissatisfaction and eventual resignation. 

The second way that a business owner can invest in their employees is through education. Educating employees is an excellent investment for two reasons. The first is that it makes your employees more valuable. Employees that you educate can learn the exact desired skills they need to perform their job—making them a better asset to your team and more productive. The second way that educating employees prevents turnover is employee satisfaction. Employees will be more satisfied with their employer, knowing that they are paying for their education, which often results in higher employee engagement, as well. Additionally, offering an employee upward mobility in the form of education both gives them the option and allows you to hire internally. All around, making investing in people a great opportunity for businesses. 

Invest in Real Estate

Real estate is an excellent opportunity for your business to receive a reliable injection of funds. Real estate investments are reliable, though returns may not be as high as stock investments or options trading. This stability is perfect for a growing business. Not being able to rely on your assets for funds could leave you in a sticky situation. Real estate allows you to be confident you will receive those funds. 

Another factor that makes real estate investing a good option is diversity. There are a wide variety of different types of properties one can invest in, from residential investing to commercial real estate investing and everything in between. The tax breaks may be most appealing about real estate to business owners. Money that is spent on real estate is taxed significantly less than liquid wealth, meaning that when you make a real estate investment, you are turning a profit in two different ways. The first is the actual revenue generated by your property. The second is tax breaks. These two forms of revenue can be immensely beneficial to a business owner in need of funds. 

Hiring a real estate broker could be beneficial if you are not confident in your investment abilities. These professionals can inform you about the most profitable investment that you can make with your money and help you make both short and long-term financial plans, like when to invest, when to outsource, or even smart buying decisions for insurance policies from companies like

Invest in Cryptocurrency

By now, you have probably heard about cryptocurrency, and while cryptocurrency may not be the right investment for everyone, it can be highly profitable. Cryptocurrencies come in many different forms. Popular ‘cryptos’ (like Bitcoin) have seen massive growth in only the last couple of years. 

Choosing the right crypto investment can be a complex process for business owners unfamiliar with the concept. However, these investments can be hugely profitable, sometimes even more so than commercial real estate. If you’re looking for a high-risk, high-reward investment, cryptocurrency could be the perfect investment. Another added benefit of crypto is the low bar for entry. Real estate investments can require large sums of money to get started, whereas cryptocurrency investments can be as small as a dollar. If you are interested in cryptocurrency, start learning more about it. 

Final Thoughts

There is a considerable amount of information across the internet about what investments to make, do your research, and start small. If your investments are successful, you could see significant injections of capital into your business. 

Hopefully, this guide will help you and your small business. We understand that growing a business is a difficult and winding road, one that is filled with roadblocks. Sometimes these roadblocks can be expensive. Having diversified investments will allow you to overcome these challenges and grow into the company you envision. Whether you are making investments in people, real estate, or even cryptocurrencies, best of luck. 

About the Author

Jenn Walker is a freelance writer, blogger, dog-enthusiast, and avid beachgoer operating out of Southern New Jersey.


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Andrea Shirey

Andrea Shirey is the CEO and Founder of One Nine Design, an agency dedicated to empowering nonprofits and small businesses through effective digital marketing tools. With over two decades of experience as a nonprofit fundraiser, executive director, and designer, Andrea combines creative expertise with a deep understanding of the unique challenges nonprofits face. She’s passionate about designing websites that not only look great, but also work as effective tools for engagement and growth.

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