Three signs it might be time to expand your small business team

small business digital tools

It feels unreal to think that we are just a few weeks away from “the day it all changed.” For us here in WV, it was March 13th when I picked up my kids from school and they had the biggest smiles — they had just been told there would be no school for the next two weeks. I was trying to hold it all together, be positive, and not let my panic show. “We can do this” I repeated endlessly as I scoured the internet for “How in the world do you run a business and keep your kids learning from home?” I never did find a great response on that, by the way. Now, nearly 10 months, our school district is slowly starting to re-open with caution and I’m trying against all odds to not let myself fall apart from exhaustion. Burn out is real folks and if you’re not careful, it can have devastating consequences on the small business you’ve worked so hard to build.

There are so many signs that can tell you that you are burning out, but do you know where the line is that will show you that it's time to hire new people? So many business owners push and push themselves to the point of burnout and for many reasons. Maybe it’s a cash flow issue? Maybe a control issue? Maybe small business owners just don’t know where to start. The truth is, while these reasons may be valid, the harsh reality of burnout means that many small businesses will be forced to close if their staffing situation is not addressed or if the signs are ignored.

So, what ARE those ever-important signs that you need to bring someone else into your business and lighten the load? Let’s look at three signs you should never ignore:

First Sign: You are overwhelmed.

As a small business owner, many of us dream about being swamped with customers or clients. I remember wondering if I would ever fill my schedule back in the early days of running this company. Now, I am forced to turn away clients or use waiting lists for most of the services I offer. Being busy or booked is not a bad thing but it is a sign that you need to stay on top of things and ensure you’re offering the same, valuable products or services you’ve built your reputation on. If something as small as selecting furniture and architectural products for your office space is becoming too much, you’ll need to delegate tasks to someone else.

If the value of your product or service is suffering, this is a sure sign that something needs to change. This may not mean you have to hire a full-time team member but you could consider hiring for virtual secretary services, eliminating the hassle of paperwork, phone calls, or time-consuming tasks that can be managed by someone else you trust.

Second Sign: Your employees are overwhelmed.

It’s one thing to know that as a small business owner, the pace of work can vary from day to day, and accepting the inevitable “marathon days” seems to come with the territory. But when it comes to your staff, there are higher stakes. Your employees should have a manageable workload with clear job descriptions and a clear path for expressing their needs when it comes to feeling overworked or stretched too thin. When staff members are under extreme pressure, they are more likely to be ineffective in their jobs which has the potential to lower the quality of services they provide. If they feel like they can’t take a vacation day or even a sick day to focus on self-care, this is likely to build resentment and lead to even poorer performance. Keep the communication lines open with your team and ensure they are empowered to speak up when the workload increases and have access to possible solutions that give everyone a better work environment.

Third Sign: The quality of your services or products is below standard.

Sometimes knowing if your team is overwhelmed can be difficult, especially if the communication channels are not clearly defined or if you have employees that are hesitant to express their overwhelm. But what will be noticeable is the quality of the services you offer or products you make. It might begin with not getting back to inquiries you’ve received in a timely manner, rushing a project just to get it done, or missing orders because your systems are no longer supporting the volume of work you are required to do. This is the time to invest in the digital tools that will help you automate your processes and consider investing in human resources to help manage your business, even if only for a brief period. Remember to use your website and email list to clearly communicate to your audience what you’re able to offer and when. Setting realistic expectations with your clients or customers is key to maintaining their trust and loyalty.

Expanding your team when these signs first appear will give you the greatest chance to stop your own overwhelm, take care of your current team, and ensure the quality associated with your brand or company remains constant. Every small business owner wants to take pride in what they’ve built and ideally, have a long and prosperous run. Choosing when to invest in expanding your footprint can be a difficult decision but when these three signs are present, you’ll know it’s time to make your move!

Until next time,


One Nine Design is a digital marketing company helping small businesses and nonprofits learn how to use their website and email list to grow their reach and make a bigger impact!

Andrea Shirey

Andrea Shirey is the CEO and Founder of One Nine Design, an agency dedicated to empowering nonprofits and small businesses through effective digital marketing tools. With over two decades of experience as a nonprofit fundraiser, executive director, and designer, Andrea combines creative expertise with a deep understanding of the unique challenges nonprofits face. She’s passionate about designing websites that not only look great, but also work as effective tools for engagement and growth.

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